Registered Designation of Origin


For some time now, in our area, a large group of companies has begun to produce wines with a high quality profile, both based on native and international vines, but which can now be considered an integral part of the local and regional wine heritage. As usual on the traditional front, Sangiovese represents the majority of it, accompanied in smaller proportions by Ciliegiolo, Canaiolo, Pugnitello, Malvasia Bianca and Malvasia Nera. Besides, thanks to the recent product specification changes requested, we can count also on Trebbiano and Orpicchio, Foglia tonda, Gratena and the allochthonous Pinot Noir, which thus joins the already present Merlot, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and, among the white berried varieties, also Chardonnay. From an analytical and organoleptic point of view, the wines of Valdarno di Sopra have evident and peculiar characteristics which allow a clear identification and typification linked to the geographical environment and its specific conditions.

All the red wines envisaged generally have great balance, with fruity hints of aromatic and medicinal herbs, which, in addition to confirming the influence of the particular soil and climate environment, accompany an excellent structure and a gustatory fullness capable of highlighting the typical varietal notes of the grape varieties used. But also white wines offer a particular intensity and breadth of aromas, which are very persistent and varied due to the significant contribution that the climate of the foothill environment favors, thanks to its strong temperature variations.

We can therefore state that the structure and elegant texture of the wines of Valdarno di Sopra pay homage to the entire typology of noble grape varieties, describing their perfect adaptability to their territory through the exaltation of the specific characteristics of each of them.

Cabernet Franc

Cabernet Sauvignon





Malvasia Bianca



Pinot Nero



Trebbiano Toscano

Organic and sustainability

All the members of our consortium are already certified as organic producers or in the process of being converted as such, as part of a common path shared and undertaken for some time. That’s why our main goal is to become the first entirely organic Italian designation of origin included in the product specification. We are well aware that this is not the end goal, but we want all the wines of our designation to be organic because it will certainly be a step forward for the protection of our territory, our collaborators in the field, the citizens who live near the vineyards, and our consumers.

As stated by Luca Sanjust, Chairperson of the Consortium, “We are driven by the awareness of being temporary custodians of our land. We have an obligation, for future generations, for our children, for our grandchildren, to keep it at its best, to safeguard it, to protect it. We know that only in this way can we work with the right balance.

Certification body

The wines included under the Valdarno di Sopra DOC designation of origin are approved and controlled by Toscana Certificazione Alimentare S.r.l. (TCA) based on the Control Plan prepared according to Decree no. 752 of 2 August 2018, which can be consulted here.


One of the Consortium’s activities is to verify and counter possible frauds. With the application provided by the control body (TCA), by entering the data you find on the band, mandatory for bottling after 1 August 2019, it is possible to verify the Producer and the wine data. An operation that allows the end customer to be certain of the truthfulness of what is indicated on the label.